so this post is mainly just a shout out to my "little" bro on his 16th birthday. i say little only because he's 10 years younger than me--he is not little by any means! although it's been over a year since i've seen Miles, or Milo as i like to call him, from what i've seen in pictures, he is getting SUPER tall and turning for a kid into a man, which is NUTS! i can still remember Dec 17, 1990, when my sister and i went tearing through the hospital parking lot, so eager to finally see our new baby brother. and now he's 16! insane...anyway, because we both share a love of pictures (esp funny ones of ourselves), i'm going to post some fun ones of him.

so this is what miles looked like just before i left in 2005. he still had braces, was shorter than me, and had a little kid voice...

...and this is what he looks like now! this is from thanksgiving, with 2 of our cousins who are both over 6 ft tall. i'm afraid he's changed so much that i'll hardly recognize miles when i get home.

this is my absolute favorite pic of miles! i love it! he is also a huge animal lover, and has a fabulous little cat named Tootsie.

and he also loves snakes (this snake is real, but stuffed. however, he is not afraid to have snakes bite him). my brother is seriously destined to be the next croc hunter. ever since he was a kid, he's caught any reptile he could get his hands on, and has had more pet snake than i can count. i'm still trying to convince him to come to india so he can catch a cobra

as you can see, he likes to take crazy pictures (and also has some pretty sweet photo shop skills). i think that in a lot of ways we have a pretty similar goofy/ghetto sense of humor, and both love photography, which is definitely a family thing.

this is a favorite of dad and miles, out fishing and having fun in the gulf of mexico earlier this year. i love that my brother is growing up into such a great guy!

miles is a freshman in high school and he just started playing football this fall (he's number 77). i am SO proud of him and i can't wait to see him play when i'm home next fall!

mando and milo at the monster truck show...we can fight like any typical brother and sister, but we also have a lot of fun together :) i love you little bro! i hope your birthday is AWESOME!!!

0 shout outs!: